Alright so welcome to a recap of the Bachelorette Party!!! Sorry its taken me awhile, been a BUSY WEEK!!! Got in LATE Monday night, had zillions of emails to catch up on at work since I was out 3 days, I had bridals yesterday and our LAST premarital mentoring session last night... geez, all the landmarks are being marked off!!! It must be coming up here soon, huh? haha :)
2 weeks from right this moment I will be at Amigos at the Rehearsal Dinner... now THAT is weird!!!
Okay anywhoo... So I am going to leave some stories for your imagination, but to recap- I had 10 of my wedding party girls join me on a girls trip/ Bachelorette Party weekend to San Fran/ Napa Valley... Since I got engaged there and everyone was blown away by my pics, I thought it was only fair to let them in on the fun!
Day 1 we all met up at Union Square and first stop was H&M. I kind of hope it DOESNT move to Dallas b/c then it wouldnt be as magical as it is to all of us Dallas girls :)
Anywhoo, luckily I purchased a brown leather jacket that I later had to WEAR at Fishermans Wharf b/c ladies, we are NOT in the OC, we are in NORTHERN California and it is windy and COLD! (Alexis corrected us many a time haha!)
We ended our stroll down Fishermans Wharf at Ghiradelli Squre, picked up our free chocolate and cabbed it back to the W!!!!
While we were away, Lex, Hogan, and my sis were decorating and Jayne and Morgan were arriving in town :)

Union Square w/ my MOH!

"Riding" the stationary trolley... hey photo op!

Katy did an AMAZING job on my decor... When we got back we freshened up and started the lingerie shower! We ordered in Pizza Orgasmica, which was appropriately named for our evening cuisine :)
Some special tidbits:
1. Remember how I made a Wedding Party Soundtrack? Well, we put that on and whichever girl's song came on, that was the lingerie I opened! It was a cute touch.
2. We named each outfit so that Logan would have a MENU to order off of on the Honeymoon, so fun!
3. My sister put out a red carpet (or butcher paper) and I had to model on a runway all of my lingerie... believe me, I had some champagne beforehand! haha
4. My creative sis and mom made us all passports for the weekend (You know, Logan is French, etc.) and througout the weekend we earned stickers (stamps) for completing tasks such as- getting a kiss, someone buying you a drink, taking a pretty scenery shot of Napa, accomplishing a wine tasting, etc. We really got into it!
*Ask me in PERSON about Morgans lingerie and the roof! haha
The next morning we headed out in our VIP limo bus... It had a pole inside for dance practice haha!
We hit up Napa and it was beautiful!!!
1st tasting- Domaine Carneros
2nd tasting- Silverado
3rd tasting- Peju
They were all so fun... my fave vs Domaine Carneros b/c they specialize in sparkling wine (AKA Champagne!)
*Ask me about Annie's bee sting and Brenda's pretzels!
That night we fit 8 of the 11 girls in a tiny cab... the couple that got in after us was so impressed that they asked to take a picture of us as proof haha! We ate at Beetlenut, this amazing Asian Fusion place... at the end of dinner, I looked around and we were all beat tired... I had an internal battle going on... to rally or not to rally... 3 years ago I would have been so disappointed in my decision, but I chose BED!!! I'm not in "college 2 nights in a row" shape anymore... so we went back to the W and went to bed by midnight!

The next day, we had a few gals still around and hit up THE FULL HOUSE, hoping to see the Tanners... We did actually run down the hill and sing the song... "Everywhere you look, everywhere you look..." You know its stuck in your head now :)
Okay so I hate this pic of me checking out of the W....but I needed to show that me and Wedding girl each had a boa, beads, and suitcase.... ha thanks Katy! :) AND No worries, we did not purchase a Vera Bradley mini bag for Wedding Girl, its just my jewelry pouch haha :)
That was a great bachelorette party. Good luck and best wishes to your wedding.