Monica's has a great atmosphere and a live Mariachi Band to keep everyone entertained. They even do a restaurant-wide conga line complete with tequila shots (on the house) at the end! They highly encourage crowd participation, so Katy got on stage several times to help sing and play the tambourine! You didn't have to ask her twice, she was more than willing and a hit I might add ;)
We had a GREAT turnout of 14 girls... I didn't tell Logan he was going to be the only guy b/c I didn't want him to bail on me... He was a GREAT sport and had fun keeping an eye on all us gals and chatting it up with his favorite Mariachi man Manny. They have "bromance" going on for sure! Afterwards we went dancing at Manhattan Bar and I lasted until 1:30 which is sadly a record for me here lately... Needless to say, we slept in until almost noon the next day!
Happy Birthday Sis! Hope you had a blast... I know we did :)
I think Logan needs a stash like Manny. ;)