How do you like my dad's margarita-colored shirt? So festive!

Me and the beautiful bride-to-be Kerri :)

Sipping on my margartia cupcake!

Aren't they cute?

Logan was a TROOPER... he had some serious allergies during the shower...

But he rallied and still had a smile on his face :) I love him!

The soon-to-be Webbs (I told you they were HOTT)

Kerri's grandmother PAINTED that picture for Landon and Kerri's home. We were all very impressed. She wins for best/ most meaningful gift at the shower!

The hostesses (Nana, Vicki, Ashley, Lindsay, Katy, and I) suprised the couple with a TV as their big gift from all of us. As you can see, Kerri was SO suprised and excited!
We had a blast and are so looking forward to the BIG DAY on July 30th! It is sure to be a party, that's for sure! (Ashley and Katy... we missed you!)
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