Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rite of Passage

The Dad meets The Crib.

A milestone in every Father's journey toward parenthood.

We bought ours last week in Limoges from a really sweet couple and Logan assembled it the next day. I sat back and watched as he figured it out and took careful time and effort in making sure the screws were extra tight and the crib was extra sturdy.

When we placed it in her nursery, we both had a surreal feeling.  In a few short months we will have a BABY sleeping in that crib. This is really happening... It is exhilarating and terrifying at the same time but we cant wait to become parents and meet his little girl!

And of course... the documentation :)



Our house is slowly but surely coming together... Will be sure to post updated pictures here pretty soon :) 

1 comment:

  1. that's such a cool crib! can't wait to see the bedding in there. AND pics of the rest of the house.



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