As you can see, the reception hall was dripping in sparkly lights and looked incredible! They had a fun photo booth outside, catered BBQ, and a great DJ to top off the fun evening.

Stella-bug did GREAT!!! We have learned quickly that she doesn't mind crowds as long as she's not the center of attention. We sat in the back at the wedding and I was able to stand up and bounce her when she got unsettled but other than that, not a peep! She was an angel and Heather was the most stunning bride! It was such a sweet way to introduce Stella to all the extended family at once and celebrate a very special occasion at the same time. I am so glad we were back in time to make it to the wedding!
NOW do you see WHY this is the place Logan and I hope to end up someday? Outside of Austin in the Hill Country to us seems like the best of both worlds... Close enough to the city life that I am accustomed to, but still far enough away for pretty views and a slower pace of life. Someday we will get there.... a girl can dream right?
What a beautiful setting for a wedding.. and what reception hall! You all look like you are so happy. Miss Stella is a doll.xoKaren