Where does the time go??!?! In some ways this has felt like a LONG month and in other ways it feels like it flew by! When Stella turned 3 months old, we were still in France taking pictures in our little log cabin and SO MUCH has changed since then. Stella has adjusted really well and is getting more and more fun and interactive each day... we just love her!
What has she been up to this month?
TALKING TALKING TALKING...we call them "bird calls" and she gets louder and more and more chatty when you talk back with her. It is so cute!
Always moving... we say "Stella, why you so BUSY?!?!?" - She is constantly lifting her arms up and down and pumping her legs out and in... whether she's in your lap, lying down, or in a chair. She's always "BUSY."
You HATE being hot. (Welcome to Texas, darlin'... this is JUST THE BEGINNING!!!) Because of this we typically strip you down naked and you are much happier.
She has re-learned how to roll over! It took her a few weeks to figure it out since she has gained so much weight playing catch up! She almost can roll over from her back to her tummy now too.
She doesn't despise tummy time anymore. She tries her hardest to inch forward and use her legs and can lift her head up really high!
Grabbing those feet ALL the time. When she's trying to go to sleep, when she's on her play mat, or getting her diaper changed.
Everything goes into her mouth, hands, toys, everything...and lots of drool these days... think she's getting some "teefers" in!

She is on the verge of sitting up.. she LOVES her Bumbo because it allows her to without falling over...but you can just tell she's ready for that independence- I think it will happen pretty soon!
We have started to read you books and you really do pay attention and listen. Gigi does this every night once she gets home from school.
She gets fussy sometimes throughout the day, but typically a frozen toy will make her happy. This is why we think it could be teething? I apparently cut my first tooth at 4 months so its possible!
It is sad that this is progress, but her HAIR has started coming in... To most, she probably still looks bald, but she's got LOTS of hair compared to last month :)

The "My Little Lamb" chair is pure MAGIC! This sucker is the best babysitter while Mommy showers and helps rock her to sleep for her nap time!
Just this past week you started breaking out of your swaddle so we have worked you into your Halo sleep sack and you do really well with it!

When she's on her back she lifts her neck and legs up (work those abs girl) - we call it "crunches" time and we help her sit up, lie her back down, and do it again until she gets worn out! She also LOVE standing up with our help. Girl has got some STRONG legs!!!
Sometimes you can hold onto your bottle... You typically prefer to hold our fingers and help US feed you your bottle, but occasionally you will grab hold of it and feed yourself!
You actually interact with your toys now! Its so fun to watch you learn to engage with the world around you.
She is smiling on command now. She smiles at Logan and I because she recognizes us, it is no longer a reflex and there is no better feeling in the world!
Nicknames: Pumpkin, Stella-bug, Doodle bug, Little one
Stats: We don't go to the pediatrician until May 30th because in the US you have to wait 6 weeks between vaccinations and Stella had some last month at her 3 month appointment in France. I can't wait to find out though because I think she's doubled in size haha! I think our pediatrician is going to be great- I just worry about all the metric conversion and translating...but I am sure it will be fine. Stay tuned..
Your FIRSTS this month:
First trip to Paris
First (International/ or ANY) Flight
First time to Texas/ The United States
First time to meet Aunt Katy

First time to meet extended family and you LOVE cousin Laine! She calls you "Tetta"

First pedicure with Mommy

First road trip to Austin

Attended your first baby shower

First Wedding & Rehearsal Dinner

First trip to Target! (Is this how you put the seat in the cart?!??! Seems like a waste of space to me...)

First picnic at the Arboretum

First of MANY play date with other babies (Em, Libby, Hatch, Lola, Porter)

First trip to "Big Church"

First of MANY "Happy Hours"

Our FIRST Mother's Day :)

First visit to Gigi's school! (And hopefully the only time you'll be called into the principal's office :) )

Schedule: You are eating 6 ounces every 3.5 hours. We were able to gradually switch over from French to American formula with no difficulty. The transition was SO seamless, we are wondering if the French brand was actually a private label of the American brand we use, Provolac to Similac. Who knows? We don't have a strict schedule at this point and our goal is to really get some predictable naps every morning and afternoon...right now you "cat nap" but rarely have any hour+ stretches! You wake up around 7:30am and going to sleep around 8:45 or 9pm. You will occasionally wake up around 5:30 or 6am but will drink a bottle and then fall back asleep for 3 hours so we actually get to sleep in a bit longer on those days! You had about 2 weeks right after we moved back that you were not a great sleeper - we think that was due to jet lag AND the 4 month sleep regression that happens to babies. We are over that hump now though and it wasn't too bad!
Overall this has been the busiest, craziest, most stressful, and FUN month we have had with you! I am looking forward to getting into a schedule and routine now that the dust has settled a bit. WE LOVE YOU STELLA BUG!!! You are truly the sunshine of our day :)

you forgot 1st trip to cafe brazil!!! love that little one.
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh. i love that face. so much! i cannot believe she is 4 months old already!!! grow baby, grow! thank you for making your first american baby shower ours :)