Over the weekend, we hosted my brother and sister-in-law at our house with their 2 littlest kiddos, Jude and Adam. We had such a good time catching up and laughing and embracing the chaos that comes with 2 babies and 2 toddlers who want the same toy AT ALL TIMES!
During the weekend it felt chaotic and full and so much fun but the second they drove off yesterday, Stella burst into tears… and so did I! I don't know if it was hormones or what, but we walked into a silent, empty house where just mere minutes before there was buzzing about, yelling (because Stella has one volume these days), and giggles.
Stella missed her cousin and her playmate / partner-in-crime and I missed the adult interaction. Thats the thing about working from home… It can get really lonely. I love the flexibility and being home with my girls but I so desperately miss the conversations with people that aren't 2.5 years old. Although Rodan + Fields has been an incredible outlet for me during the day, I am still "talking" to people online versus being around them in person.
I have found that for my sanity and well being, I need to have one outing per day. Preferably meeting someone for a play date, but even a trip to Target will do. It helps me get out of the house and around other HUMANS besides the 2 tiny ones that live with me. I have found that the days where I make an effort (because with 2, it IS effort) are happier and more "full" days... filled with better afternoon naps! ;)
So I have come to grips that no matter if you are a full-time stay-at-home Mom or work-from-home Mom or you go into an office and your kiddos are at daycare or with a Nanny…. We are all battling some sort of loneliness as Moms. Lonely FOR our kids or lonely FOR our friends and adult interaction. I think the key is recognizing it and figuring out how to combat it rather than sitting in it every day.
So I will relish visitors with every ounce of energy that I have in me because I know once they leave, the silence feels deafening. And when that loneliness creeps in, I will make an effort to fight that battle by making sure that I have a healthy life outside of my children and that we get out and DO THINGS as much as we can! Its good for them and for me to go have a daily adventure… even if it IS to Target ;)
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