THREE. Three years ago, this beautiful girl made me a Mommy. We were in France and I had no idea how my life was about to change. Stella Rose Misegades, you are a JOY. I learn from you every day. You love fiercely. You laugh uncontrollably. You live LIFE to its fullest. You are KIND. Everyone (teachers and friends alike) talk about how much they love you and how much FUN you are. Your personality is spunky and outgoing and your smile lights up the room. You are also really tender and have a sense of concern when people around you are sad or hurting. You always sweetly hug, pat, and tell them its okay. I LOVE your sensitive spirit.
We call you a "hurricane" because you are HIGH ENERGY almost all day, every day but I wouldn't have it any other way! I hope I never forget your "Stellish" which is quickly becoming sentences that we actually understand. You are in a princess phase right now and I am soaking it ALL in. Naturally you are "Princess Ariel" but your tail is pink instead of green. (Duh!) Your favorite foods include anything with Nutella, french fries, and mac & cheese. You are also the very BEST big sister to Chloé and I can't wait to watch your bond grow. She looks up to you already and saves her best laughs and smiles for you.
Happy Birthday my precious daughter! Excited to celebrate you ALL DAY LONG!!! Love you to the moon & back!
Happy birthday to her! now send her to the Happies Place. :)