Friday, January 11, 2019


Anyone else struggle with their identity?  Someone's words or behavior can literally change the trajectory of your day or week?  You find yourself replaying it over and over again and sort of spiral down this rabbit hole of "not enough" or "I should have..." or "I will never be..."

Yeah, me too. 

But my goal this year is value a healthy fear of the Lord OVER fear of Man. 

I want to grow so much in my security in HIM that people's thoughts and actions cannot affect me the way they have in the past. I want to believe the TRUTH that He made me uniquely and wonderfully and how my emotions are beautiful.  I want to be fully myself and fully alive and present and not hold back worried about if its "too much" or if someone will leave or betray me. 

Nope. I am not going to worry about that.  I want to live life in FULL COLOR not safe and in black and white.

So I see you 2019.  I am coming for you - heart open, feet firm, and head lifted high.  This is the year I am going to live in SECURITY.  Who I am am and WHOSE I am.

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