I saw a precious tutorial video online about how to make a Unicorn pumpkin and just knew I needed to replicate for Stella! I figured if she could make a unicorn, we could attempt to make an "Elsa" for Chloé. I couldn't find any tutorials online for Elsa, so we kind of made her up but I think she turned out cute!
- spray paint
- jewels
- glue gun
- crown (for Elsa)
- black + glittery stock paper (find this on the scrapbook aisle)
- felt
- "fur" for the unicorn // you can typically find this by the felt
- 2 pumpkins
1. Go outside and spray your pumpkins whatever base color you have decided.
2. While they are drying, come inside and cut out eye lashes for your unicorn and Elsa with the black stock paper.
3. Use the glitter cardstock paper to cut out the unicorn horn, inside of unicorn ears, and lips for Elsa. (The horn is a triangle with a rounded base that you roll and then use the glue gun to secure)
4. Use the felt to create the outer part of the unicorn ears.
After the pumpkins dry...
1. Use the hot glue gun to secure the crown, eye lashes, and lips. Use jewels to "bedazzle" accordingly. We created a "hairline" and did a nose and cheeks.
1. Use the hot glue gun to secure the horn first. Then wrap the "fur" around the stem and secure with a hot glue gun.
2. Glue the glitter cardstock ears to the bigger felt ears and then attach to the pumpkin/ fur. It may help to make a tiny 1/2 inch vertical cut at the base of the ears and bend them slightly forward to make them a bit rounded.
3. Glue the eyelashes on and use the jewels to create the nostrils and anything else you want to sparkle. My daughter added "earrings" a smile and bedazzled the horn.
This would be a GREAT Fall craft for a birthday or Halloween party or sleepover! I definitely think this will be an annual tradition of ours. I hope you enjoy making them as much as we did!