Showing posts with label Dallas Moms Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dallas Moms Blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Dallas Moms Blog Update

Here are links to my 2 latest Dallas Moms Blog posts!

One is my Do's and Don'ts List for a friend walking through Miscarriage.

Read it HERE.

The Second was really challenging to write because I had no idea where to start with how to serve the community as a FAMILY.  After doing the research though, I am excited to implement a few of these into my family's routine!

Read about it HERE.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Dallas Moms Blog::: The Struggles of a Work-From-Home Mom!

Hop over to Dallas Moms Blog today to read about the struggles I face as a work-from-home Mom! My heart behind this post was to connect with other Moms who faced the same day-to-day struggles I did and also to shed light on what it's like to try and juggle both SAHM and working mom.  I felt like there was a lack of resources from this point of view.  Hope you enjoy it and hope it brings a voice to other hard working (from home) Mommas! You are doing a GREAT JOB!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Monday, July 6, 2015


About a month ago, my friend Katie Schlieve urged me to apply for a contributor position at Dallas Moms Blog.  At the time, I didn't know how I would handle it considering I already have my plate overflowing with 2 small girls, a successful R+F business, and a fun slideshow business… Not to mention the whole try to keep the house clean/ cook dinner/ do laundry / be a decent wife thing.  BUT I felt this deep desire to apply.  

If you have read my blog for any length of time, you may know that I grew up journaling my feelings and have literally filled hundreds of pages with my thoughts on life and analyzing silly boy drama all the way through college.  AFTER college, I started this blog as a creative outlet from my cubicle job in Corporate America. I found it to be much faster than handwriting in my journals although I still do that from time to time. ;) 

Since then, it has chronicled my love story with Logan, my wedding and honeymoon, our 2 years in France, my miscarriage, 2 successful pregnancies, and some of my adventures in motherhood.

THIS BLOG is my therapy. I LOVE to write. It helps me decompress and let off steam. It helps me connect with others who have had similar experiences and it makes me feel more sane.

So I took a leap of faith and applied JUST IN CASE they thought I would be a good fit… AND SURE ENOUGH, I was chosen!  I am ecstatic to be partnering with these women who I already look up to - I can't wait to learn from them.  

I am gong to continue to post on here more regularly and you can also find me over at The Dallas Moms Blog along with some of my new friends! 


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