When you have plans every single night of December and all you are is stressed, tired, and worn out.... Is the holiday season even FUN????
A few years ago, I asked myself this very question.... I used to LOVE a calendar full of squares filled up with fun plans but in the past few years (probably since having kids) these types of months/ weeks completely wear me out and I almost need a "vacation" to recover from my weekends. (I love those of you who do Advent calendars but the thought of them gives me major anxiety for this very reason!)
Although I have an extroverted personality, I definitely recharge my batteries by being home and not having plans. If I spend too much time "busy" I don't have much left in my tank to pour into my people. I find myself irritable, grumpy, and dragging instead of excited, joyful and energetic!
So especially around the holidays when there is SO much going on (all really fun things) I really pick and choose what we commit to. We make plans to have NO PLANS on many of our nights so that we can spend spontaneous time driving around looking at lights or having a family movie night complete with hot chocolate and popcorn. We may not get to do everything on the "Dallas Christmas To Do" list but I am okay with that because I have more energy to enjoy the things we DO commit to and we can always catch the rest another year!
So if you are wired anything like me, I would challenge you to make an effort to de-clutter your schedule over the holidays. You don't have to say YES to everything. I can assure you that you will enjoy your holiday season much more! You will be rested up and excited for the nights that you do have plans and enjoy your quiet evenings at home enjoying the warm fire and twinkle of lights on your tree.